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Hurricane Preparedness for Your Trees

tree service in Melbourne Florida

Hurricane Preparedness for Your Trees

High winds and heavy rain can wreak havoc on weak and stressed trees, causing branches to snap or trees to uproot. Are your trees ready for the next storm?

Hurricane season is heating up — and with hurricanes sometimes comes property damage. Not all damage occurring during a storm is a result of high winds alone. Property damage can also be a result of falling trees and flying landscape debris. The key to minimizing your risk against property damage is storm preparedness.

There is no such thing as a hurricane-resistant landscape but with proper care and timely maintenance, trees can be more resistant to storm damage.

Pruning is Vital to Hurricane Damage Prevention

A strong, deep-rooted tree may not fall during a storm, but weak limbs in the canopy may. Broken, dead and damaged limbs can be torn from trees during a storm and turned into dangerous projectiles.

Regular pruning done by a professional over the course of the tree’s life can create a sturdy, well-spaced framework of healthy branches with an open canopy that allows wind to flow freely through.

Trees to Watch Out For

  • Trees with dense canopies
  • Dead or dying trees
  • Trees with codominant trunks
  • New plantings and young trees

After the Hurricane Has Passed

Assess your property for damage and threats. An professional should be contacted if you: need a chainsaw or ladder to prune away dead, dying or loose branches, if power lines are down, if you are unsure of the structural stability of a tree, or if you do not know if your tree can be saved. In some cases, even a tree that has sustained some damage (defoliated, broken, or blown over) can be treated.

Trees have a much better chance at surviving a storm if they have received proper care. Remember, healthy trees adjust quickly to changes in the environment and are may be more resilient to storm damage. Therefore, if you are proactive and take the necessary steps to minimize storm damage before it occurs, you can reduce the risk of property damage and save yourself a great hassle and expense.